27 research outputs found

    A new efficient block matching data hiding method based on scanning order selection in medical images

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    Digital technology and the widespread use of the Internet has increased the speeds at which digital data can be obtained and shared in daily life. In parallel to this, there are important concerns regarding the confidentiality of private data during data transmissions and the possibility that data might fall into the hands of third parties. Issues relating to data safety can also affect patients' medical images and other information relating to these images. In this study, we propose a new method based on block matching that can be used to hide the patient information in medical images. In this method, 8 scanning orders (6 of which are newly designed) are developed to provide high image quality. By diversifying the number of scanning orders, we aim to achieve the lowest number of bit changes. The performance of the developed method is measured using the number of bits subject to change, the peak signal-to-noise ratio and the mean structural similarity index measure image quality assessment metrics, and steganalysis attacks. The method we developed was found to be more effective in hiding data compared to the classical least significant bit method.https://doi.org/10.3906/elk-1506-18

    Enhanced secure data transfer for WSN using chaotic-based encryption

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    Postupci na bežičnim senzorskim mrežama - Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) i njihovim područjima uporabe sve su češći pa problem sigurnosti mreže postaje sve važniji. Budući da su snaga procesora, memorija i izvori energije ograničeni na čvorove bežičnih senzorskih mreža, tradicionalno strukturirani kodovi više nisu učinkoviti. Uzevši to u obzir, očita je potreba za manjim procesnim opterećenjem i potrošnjom energije te učinkovitim kodom. U ovom se radu razvija kaotični kodni sustav za zadovoljenje sigurnosnih potreba na WSN. Uspoređuju se ovdje razvijeni kaotični sustav i uobičajeno korišteni Skipjack kod uz pomoć algoritma OPNET Modeller softvera i konstatira se da su postignuti bolji rezultati.Processes on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and their areas of use have become more widespread, and the issue of net-work security has appeared as one of the primary necessities. As power of the processor, memory and energy sources are limited on wireless sensor network nodes, traditional encryption structures are not found effective. With these criteria taken into consideration, the need for less process load and energy consumption as well as a powerful encryption is obvious. In this study, a chaotic encryption system to meet the security need on WSN using chaotic systems was carried out. The chaotic system developed here and the commonly used Skipjack encryption were compared with the help of algorithm OPNET Modeller software and better results were achieved

    A web laboratory using MATLAB Builder NE for computer image processing

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    Many various instruments are needed for computer image processing. These instruments are used for image restoration, analysis, etc. This paper presents a novel web laboratory based on MATLAB Builder NE with Web Figure, called ImageWeb, to facilitate computer image processing without needed technical information for users. The developed ImageWeb provides fundamental principles of image processing, including basic, compression, edge detection, filtering, optimization, and histogram processes, and so on. In addition, the usage of MATLAB Builder NE with MATLAB Web Figure provides high flexibility with visualization means such as zoom, rotate, and 3-dimensional view. Users can easily access ImageWeb using only a web browser, without requiring any special programs over the Internet and without time and location restraints

    Development of a web-based educational interface using MATLAB builder NE with Web Figure for digital modulation techniques

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    Web-based educational interfaces are becoming more and more popular in engineering education. It is an extremely easy, fast, and economic way of training and learning. In this work, a web-based educational interface using MATLAB builder NE with Web Figure has been developed. It aims at improving the students' understanding of digital modulation techniques employed in the communication systems course. Especially, use of the Web Figure provides a much more comprehensible way to convey the related modulation techniques through graphical presentations with theoretical details when required. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Comput Appl Eng Educ 20: 604610, 201

    A real-time life-care monitoring framework: Warn Red hardware and software design

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    It is shown by many statistical studies that the senior population, especially in developed countries, is in an increasing trend. For many reasons they tend to have in-home health care providers. The recent studies on biomedical information management focused on remote health monitoring frameworks including heart rate monitoring systems, glucose measurements for diabetics, and remote monitoring EEG and ECG. The main purposes of these studies are timely response to emergency situations and ensuring that the person is in a stable condition. In this study, developed via a system-on-chip circuit, we process the data collected from subjects through a temperature sensor and blood pressure sensor. Data are submitted in real time via a wireless secure channel to medical experts. An easy-to-use software interface is also developed as part of the framework.https://doi.org/10.3906/elk-1304-17

    An Implementation of Traffic Signs and Road Objects Detection Using Faster R-CNN

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    Traffic signs and road objects detection is significant issue for driver safety. It has become popular with the development of autonomous vehicles and driver-assistant systems. This study presents a real-time system that detects traffic signs and various objects in the driving environment with a camera. Faster R-CNN architecture was used as a detection method in this study. This architecture is a well-known two-stage approach for object detection. Dataset was created by collecting various images for training and testing of the model. The dataset consists of 1880 images containing traffic signs and objects collected from Turkey with the GTSRB dataset. These images were combined and divided into the training set and testing set with the ratio of 80/20. The model's training was carried out in the computer environment for 8.5 hours and approximately 10000 iterations. Experimental results show the real-time performance of Faster R-CNN for robustly traffic signs and objects detection

    Energy-aware Gateway Selection for Increasing the Lifetime of Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks

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    A Wireless Body Area Sensor Network (WBASN) is composed of a set of sensor nodes, placed on, near or within a human body. WBASNs opt to continuously monitor the health conditions of individuals under medical risk, e.g., elders and chronically ill people, without keeping them in a hospital or restraining their motion. A WBASN needs to stay connected to local or wide area networks using wireless technologies in order to send sensor readings to a medical center. The WBASN nodes are implanted within the human body and would thus have limited energy supply. Since the mission of the WBASN is very critical, increasing the lifetime of nodes is essential in order to maintain both practicality and effectiveness. This paper presents a new Gateway Selection Algorithm (GSA) that factors in the use of energy harvesting technologies and dynamically picks the most suitable WBASN node that serves as a gateway to other wireless networks. The goal of GSA is to balance the load among the nodes by adaptively changing the gateway node in WBASN depending on the energy reserve of nodes. Computer modeling and simulations of the proposed GSA are carried out using OPNET. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed GSA approach

    Design and implementation of a man-overboard emergency discovery system based on wireless sensor networks

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    Recently, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been widely employed in many different fields such as military, surveillance, health, agricultural, automation, and environmental monitoring. This paper presents a designed and implemented WSN-based man-overboard emergency discovery system, abbreviated as W-MEDS, that discovers the location of a person in emergency circumstances and runs an alarm system on a ship. The developed W-MEDS carries out a fast man-overboard (MOB) discovery and initiates the vital rescue procedure. It mainly consists of a WSN and a control and discovery system. When a MOB accident occurs, this situation is easily detected through the WSN nodes capable of real-time sensing (i.e. temperature, humidity, and acceleration) and the system enables location estimation. The control and discovery system analyzes and displays the received data from the WSN nodes. The most noteworthy advantage of the proposed W-MEDS is that it enables both real-time alarm monitoring and fast recovery. In addition to the implementation of the W-MEDS, considering hardness in performance evaluation of the real system, it has also been simulated in the OPNET Modeler to confirm the accuracy for different sizes and numbers of nodes

    A Web-Based Educational Interface for an Analog Communication Course Based on MATLAB Builder NE With WebFigures

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    Experimental experience has a significant effect on students' engineering education and improves their practical skills. However, experiments are high-cost, requiring laboratory space, experimental sets, and so on. Computer-assisted learning (CAL) can provide a similar educational effect. Web-based interfaces, a type of CAL often used in distance education, are therefore economical solutions in that they require neither laboratories nor experimental equipment. In particular, they facilitate students' understanding of the practical applications of their engineering education. This paper proposes the Web-based simulation of analog modulation techniques using MATLAB. To this end, a Web-based educational interface, called AnalogWeb, was designed and implemented as part of an analog communication course. AnalogWeb was developed using MATLAB Builder for NE with WebFigures and ASP. NET platform; it can be easily accessed by users/students using only a Web browser and requires no installation of MATLAB or any special program on the server or the clients. AnalogWeb is a user-friendly educational interface providing advanced visualization tools such as zoom, moving graphics, and three-dimensional imaging. AnalogWeb was validated, and its educational contributions tested, with 60 undergraduate students at Sakarya University, Turkey; the results are presented here

    IEEE 802.11 kablosuz LAN kullanarak PROFIBUS segmentlerin genişletilmesi

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    PROFIBUS uluslararası standartlar ile tanımlanmış endüstriyel süreç kontrol uygulamalarında yaygın kullanıma sahip bir saha veri yoludur. Diğer saha veri yolu sistemleri gibi PROFIBUS sistemlerin de bağımsız saha veri yolu segmentlerini genişletmek ve diğer ağlar ile haberleşmek olmak üzere iki temel gereksinimi vardır. Bu gereksinimleri karşılamak için en iyi çözüm yüksek veri iletim hızları, maliyet ve hareketlilik gibi avantajları ile kablosuz ağ teknolojilerinden yararlanmaktır. Bu araştırma çalışmasında PROFIBUS segmentleri IEEE 802.11g WLAN aracılığıyla genişletmek için tasarlanan PROFIBUS/IEEE 802.11g WLAN Kablosuz Arabağlaşım Birimi (KAB) sunulmaktadır. Tasarlanan PROFIBUS/IEEE 802.11g WLAN KAB’ın modellemesi ve bilgisayarlı benzetimi ayrık olay simülasyon tekniği ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kablosuz Arabağlaşım Biriminin başarım analizi, PROFIBUS saha veri yolunun kullanım oranı, bağımsız PROFIBUS segmentlerin (uzak) mesajlarının uçtan-uca gecikme ve KAB’ın işlem zamanı parametrelerine göre gerçekleştirilmiştir